Jos Meijer, pathologist

BIG-number: 69022790101

“Offering efficient, top-level diagnoses in consultations with clinicians in order to ensure the best possible care for the patient.”

After his studies at the Radboudumc, Jos Meijer first worked at the Canisius Wilhemina Hospital (Nijmegen) for five years. In late 1989 he started as a pathologist at his current employer Rijnstate. He is a trainer for Pathology. In December 2006, he completed his PhD research at the University of Amsterdam with his thesis 'Pathological aspects of celiac disease'. He was involved with over 65 scientific articles. He also championed the hospital information system of Rijnstate for years. He is chairman of PALGA, the foundation that manages the storing and use of Dutch tissue data. In addition, he has administrative duties in the legal committee and the National Visitation Committee of the NVVP.

Fields of interest

  • Gastro-intestinal pathology
  • Head-neck pathology
  • Hematopathology
  • Hepatopathology
  • ICT applications within pathology.
