Sabine Croonen
Bignumber 19914139101
"Healthcare is always evolving. Collaboration within DNA pathology allow us to innovate technically and to substantively delve deeper in order to make the best possible diagnosis, so that the patient can receive optimal treatment."
Sabine Croonen trained as a pathologist at the AMC. After her education, she worked as a pathologist in Tergooi/OLVG. Besides being a pathologist, she was also a member of the executive board of the OLVG department and acting trainer.
Since 1 September 2022, Sabine has been working as a pathologist at Pathology-DNA. In addition to her work as a pathologist, she is a member of the national visitation committee of the NVVP.
Fields of interest
- Breast pathololgy
- Dermatopathology
- Haematopathology
- Nephropathology