Carmen Ambarus,
BIG-number: 19909363301
Carmen Ambarus studied medicine at the 'Gr.T. Popa” University in Lasi (Romania) and later at the University of Amsterdam (graduated in 2007). She then (2008-2012) did her PhD research at the department for Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology of the Academic Medical Centre (AMC) in Amsterdam (thesis title: Macrophage Polarization in Spondyloarthritis). She was trained as a pathologist at AMC Amsterdam and in the Tergooi hospital in Blaricum (graduated in 2016). From 2016 to 2018, she worked as a clinical pathologist at the AMC/Amsterdam UMC (fellowship gastrointestinal pathology). Since 1 January, she has been working as a pathologist at the St. Antonius Hospital Nieuwegein.
Fields of interest
- Endocrine pathology
- Gastrointestinal pathology
- Pulmonary pathology